Love Piñata

Love Piñata


Love is in the air!

This Love Piñata is perfect for entertaining big and little kids alike. Can be used either as a traditional piñata filled with sweets and treats, a 'lovely' decoration or as a modern guest book at your wedding.
Why not ask your guests to add notes to the piñata and save it to smash open on your first anniversary?

All piñatas come with a loop at the top to string it up and a little door for adding treats.

Comes unfilled- please message if you would like it filled and we can discuss options.

Can be made to order in any colour/size

Size 43cm x 20cm x 8cm

Turnaround time is approximately 2 weeks. Please make a note of the date you need your piñata by at the checkout so it is sure to get to you in plenty of time.

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